Package tyrex.util

Utility Classes


Class Summary
ArrayEnumeration This class provides a way to enumerate over an array.
ArraySet Implementation of a simple Set based on an array.
BackgroundThread This thread allows a runnable to run continously until the runnable is garbage collected.
Configuration Provides basic configuration for Tyrex components based on the tyrex.config configuration file.
FastThreadLocal This is an efficient implementation of ThreadLocal which uses a background thread to remove stale thread entries, doing away with the inefficiencies of WeakHashMap.
HashIntTable This class provides unsynchronized hash get, put, remove and increment of int values.
Primes This class provides a single service.
Version Prints version information to the console.
WeakList List of weak references allows objects to be tracked and claimed by the garbage collector.

Exception Summary
NestedException Base type for all Type exceptions.
WrappedException Reports an exception with an underlying exception.

Package tyrex.util Description

Utility Classes

$Revision: 1.2 $Date: 2001/02/28 18:28:25 $
Assaf Arkin

Configuration, Messages and Logging

Configuration provides basic configuration for Tyrex based on the tyrex.config configuration file. Several Tyrex services rely on this configuration file.

The member variable Configuration.verbose determines whether Tyrex should emit verbose information messages, which can be used for troubleshooting purposes. This class also provides access to a random number generator.


tyrex.util.LoggerPrintWriter implements a PrintWriter using a Log4J category. Connectors and other J2EE service providers require a PrintWriter in order to log messages, and rely on this object as an adapter for the Log4J category.

Messages performs formatting of messages based on the current locale, using a message resource file. This class is often used by exceptions and logging messages to perform formatting based on an actual string contents that is obtained form a resource file, depending on the current locale.


FastThreadLocal is an optimized implementation of ThreadLocal which uses a background thread to remove stale thread entries, doing away with the inefficiencies of WeakHashMap.

Original code is Copyright (c) 1999-2001, Intalio, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contributions by MetaBoss team are Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Softaris Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.