
Principal and credentials used by a J2EE container.


Class Summary
RealmPrincipal A realm principal.
ResourceCredentials Credentials for a resource manager authentication.
RoleCredentials Credential listing the principal's roles.
SecureConnection Credentials indicating a secure connection.

Package Description

Principal and credentials used by a J2EE container. These principals and credentials are created by a JAAS login module and exposed to the application through the Servlet and EJB APIs in the form of the principal and list of roles.

RealmPrincipal represents a J2EE principal. The principal name is equivalent to the account and can be used to access entities associated with that user. The container may use the realm to distinguish users of the same principal name accessing different realms.

RoleCredentials represents a J2EE credential listing all the roles of which the principal is a member. The container may determine whether the principal is a member of a particular role, or list all the role names.

SecureConnection represents a secure connection between client and server, allowing the application to establish that it is being accessed in a secure fashion. This credential is exposed to the application through the isSecure method in the Servlet API.

Original code is Copyright (c) 1999-2001, Intalio, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contributions by MetaBoss team are Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Softaris Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.