Package tyrex.resource.jdbc.xa

Interface Summary
TwoPhaseConnection Defines two-phase commit support for a JDBC connection used by XAConnectionImpl.

Class Summary
ClientConnection Encapsulates an application's view of an XA/pooled connection.
EnabledDataSource Implements a JDBC 2.0 DataSource for any arbitrary JDBC driver with JNDI persistance support.
TxConnection Describes an open connection associated with a transaction.
TyrexCallableStatementImpl This class implements java.sql.CallableStatement so that it returned when prepareCall is called on TyrexConnection object
TyrexConnection This class defines base methods for implementing java.sql.Connection so that an underlying java.sql.Connection may be pooled.
TyrexDatabaseMetaDataImpl This is a implementation of java.sql.DatabaseMetaData that returns Tyrex implementations of java.sql.Connection (TyrexDatabaseMetaDataImpl.getConnection()) and java.sql.ResultSet (various get methods).
TyrexPreparedStatementImpl This class implements java.sql.Statement so that it returned when prepareStatement is called on TyrexConnection object.
TyrexResultSetImpl This class implements java.sql.ResultSet so that it can be returned by the various Tyrex jdbc classes that return java.sql.ResultSet objects.
TyrexStatementImpl This class implements java.sql.Statement so that it is returned when createStatement is called on a TyrexConnection object.
XAConnectionImpl Implements an X/A connection that can be pooled and managed from inside a transaction monitor.
XADataSourceImpl Implements a JDBC 2.0 XADataSource for any JDBC driver with JNDI persistance support.

Original code is Copyright (c) 1999-2001, Intalio, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contributions by MetaBoss team are Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Softaris Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.