Introduction Oracle Sybase DB2 Informix Interbase Cloudscape Other Databases Problems
This document lists various issues involving XA support and databases.
Tested Versions
| - | Oracle 8.1.7 with Oracle 8.1.7 JDBC driver |
- | Oracle 9.0.1 with Oracle 9.0.1 JDBC driver |
Oracle 8.1.7 and above is recommended for XA support. Oracle 8.1.6 has not been tested recently.
Tyrex provides a workaround (
for known Oracle XA issues:
| - | Oracle 8.1.6 - Oracle XA resource transaction enlistment requires Oracle's implementation
of javax.transaction.xa.Xid. |
- | XAResource.start(XAResource.TMJOIN) is not supported |
- | The Xid passed to Oracle must not have a null or empty branch qualifier |
| - | XA resources delisted from a transaction with
javax.transaction.xa.XAResource#TMSUCCESS cannot
be used in another transaction until the first transaction
ends. |
- | If an XA resource is delisted using
javax.transaction.xa.XAResource#TMFAIL the database
cannot be accessed for some amount of time (100 seconds in my tests)
using a new XA resource from a new XA connection from either the existing
XA data source or a new XA data source. Increasing the transaction timeout
on the XA resource works occasionally. Best results were achieved using
Thread.currentThread().sleep(100000); |
Tested Versions
| - | Sybase 12.0 with Sybase JConnect 5.2 and 5.5 drivers |
- | Sybase 12.5 with Sybase JConnect 5.2 and 5.5 drivers |
| - | The database hangs when the XA resource is delisted using
javax.transaction.xa.XAResource#TMFAIL |
DB2 7.1 has not been tested recently
The IBM app driver, that is type 2, provides XA support.
There a bug in pooling mechanism that causes a NullpointerException when the logical connection is closed.
Tested Versions
| - | Informix 7.30 with JDBC 2.21 driver |
Thanks to Matias Salvador [] for Informix testing
Tyrex provides a workaround (
for known Informix XA issues:
| - | XAResource.start(XAResource.TMJOIN) has problems with JDBC 2.21 driver |
The current JDBC driver (Version 2.0) does not support XA transactions yet.
Cloudscape 3.5 has not been tested recently
Tyrex provides a workaround (
for known Informix XA issues:
| - | XAResource.start(XAResource.TMJOIN) has problems |
| - | XA resources delisted from a transaction with
javax.transaction.xa.XAResource#TMSUCCESS cannot
be used in another transaction until the first transaction
ends. |
- | There is a bug in the Cloudscape driver that causes infinite
recursion during driver registration occasionally. |
Other Databases
If there are other databases with a XA implementation and
a free download (very important) that people would like
tested please send email to
Tyrex Users' Mailing List.
If there are other problems with the databases listed previously
send a detailed email to
Tyrex Users' Mailing List.
The email should contain:
| - | A stacktrace if one is available |
- | The database used, including version number |
- | The JDBC driver version number |
- | Instructions on how to reproduce the problem |